Archive for the City Council category

We Won

By Ross Hunter Well, friends, we went down to the council meeting, and we won a major success. We walked out of there with the greatest sense of triumph I’ve felt in several years. It was a historic night, a grand watershed event. It was a decisive battle in the campaign to restore Georgetown to open government. […]

Join Us for the Council Meeting July 13th

By Ross Hunter Council is tomorrow, about 24 hours away, and I’m inviting you to attend the session. If you haven’t read the weekend Sun you should pick up a copy anywhere you can and get an exhaustive overview of the numerous allegations made lately against our city attorney, along with comments from most of […]

Here Comes The Sun

Yes it’s a predictable headline, but it did feel sunny like the upbeat Beatles number on Saturday morning to pick up the weekend Williamson County Sun and read the start of 3 pages of coverage on our controversial city attorney. The Sun was back in the saddle, guns a’blazing! Council beat reporter Jamaal E. O’Neal […]

Georgetown City Attorney Appears Incompetent

[Editor’s note. This story is reproduced under a Creative Commons license granted by its author, Ken Martin, of The Austin Bulldog. The story here is stripped of its original formatting, graphics, and links to its many sources – and the source materials are especially useful. Original links are NOT indicated here – and there are […]

Councilwoman Berryman’s Questionable $13,600

[Editor’s note: this story is reproduced under a Creative Commons license granted by its author, Ken Martin, of The Austin Bulldog. The story here is stripped of its original formatting, graphics, and links to its many sources. Original links are shown in red here. We encourage you to click through to the original story at […]

Georgetown City Council Violates Open Meetings Act

[UPDATED 4/30 with changes requested by Ken Martin] An Austin investigative reporter yesterday scooped our local news organizations, breaking the story that our city council violated the Open Meetings Act when it voted in closed session to hire our new city attorney. Editor Ken Martin published the story on Wednesday, April 28, in The Austin […]

In Support of Tommy Gonzalez for District 7

By Ross Hunter UPDATE April 28, 2013: I have felt for more than 2 years that we were fooled by Tommy Gonzalez. His actions have proved him unworthy of this endorsement. I made this endorsement at Mr. Gonzalez’s request, and took a lot on trust to do so. Everyone who supported him very quickly came to […]

Electronic Signs Voted Down By Council

By Ross Hunter The council voted down the proposed amendment to the UDC on Tuesday night. So electronic signs are dead for the moment. The city is safe – until the next business asks its next favor from the council. Dale Ross and Keith Brainard were the two suprises in the vote, ripping apart the […]

Electronic Signs On the Frontage Roads

By Ross Hunter Electronic retail signs along Georgetown’s frontage roads will be coming soon if the Council approves an amendment to the UDC proposed at tomorrow’s meeting. This meeting decides if our frontage roads will remain scenic or start looking like Round Rock. Your attendance is important. Simply showing up is valuable because numbers matter. […]

City Council Disdains Citizen Opinion

By Peter and Sherry Dana We attended Tuesday’s City Council meeting to support the Georgetown Historic and Architectural Commission. HARC had denied a request for an amendment to the Tamiro Plaza building’s Master Sign Plan. Many speakers asked the Council to affirm HARC’s five to one vote so that HARC would retain its autonomy and […]

Merrill and HARC: Too Big to Fail

City Council Speech by Rick Williamson for delivery on September 22, 2009 I take issue with even the idea of this Council over-turning its own HARC commission’s denial of the Merrill-Lynch sign application, for several reasons. Most notably, for even thinking that boldly reversing HARC’s near-unanimous 5-1 decision without direct evidence of wrongdoing would be […]

Ellen Davis Advises Council Not to Overturn HARC

Testimony to the City Council regarding the appeal of a HARC decision related to the Tamiro Plaza building, 501 S. Austin Ave. Sept. 22, 2009 By Ellen Davis Mr. Mayor, Members of the City Council: Thank you for the opportunity to speak tonight. I just wanted to say that I was at the HARC meeting […]

Overview of UDC Task Force

Be sure to keep on eye on things here: The City of Georgetown Unified Development Code (UDC) has begun its Annual UDC Review Process. For the 2008-2009 Update, City staff has enlisted the help of a task force to review and craft new language for the UDC.  This site will inform the task force, as well as the […]

Tonight – Motion for Council to Hear HARC-Ruling Appeals Itself

The Georgetown City Council tonight – Tuesday, October 24th, 2006 – will consider the motion to remove from the Planning and Zoning Commission’s Board of Adjustment, jurisdiction over the appeals process from a HARC ruling, and to hear such appeals directly itself. What follows is’s open address to the Council, arguments against their motion […]

After the Council Meeting.

The Council meeting on Tuesday, October 10 yielded mixed results. The motion to abolish HARC was defeated. The motion to remove appeals of HARC decisions away from the P&Z Board of Adjustment and directly to the Council itself, passed. An amendment to require a super majority vote (majority plus one), which was in line with […]