Item U – Union on Eighth Rezoning – City Council Jan 26, 2016

Item U is the first item for consideration (skip down to the story below this one for the Special Use Permit item – Item V). It’s more nuanced, and more crucial in its damage if approved.

These are the documents following:
  • A summary of this request to remove current zoning restrictions.
  • A backgrounder on the 1992 zoning change from residential to heavily restricted commercial that opened the door to all the current grief.
  • My own one-page excerpt from the Downtown Master Plan, a visual aid I plan to use at council.
  • My arguments to deny this zoning request that I also hope to be able to present to council, probably in a more terse form.


(1) summary of this request to remove current zoning restrictions.

Download (PDF, 335KB)

(2) backgrounder on the 1992 zoning change from residential to heavily restricted commercial

Download (PDF, 385KB)

(3) Excerpts from Downtown Master Plan regarding Transition Areas

Download (PDF, 85KB)

(4) Arguments to deny – my take

Download (PDF, 48KB)