Item U – Union on Eighth Rezoning – City Council Jan 26, 2016
Item U is the first item for consideration (skip down to the story below this one for the Special Use Permit item – Item V). It’s more nuanced, and more crucial in its damage if approved. These are the documents following: A summary of this request to remove current zoning restrictions. A backgrounder on the […]
Item V – Union on Eighth Rezoning – City Council Jan 26, 2016
Item V concerns the Special Use Permit (SUP) and its conditions. The applicant is asking to ease his burden from several of the conditions, while the neighboring residents have a long list of violations and city records that show he hasn’t complied very well with many of the existing conditions. Look for the following 6 […]
Documents for Union on 8th Re-Zoning Applications
UPDATE: The P&Z meeting scheduled in December was postponed. It now comes forward on Tuesday, January 19, 2016. This is followed one week later by the city council first reading. The documents below have been updated. Here are five documents: Neighborhood summary and outline of the situation. Neighborhood record of compliance and non-compliance to date […]
UDC Amendments at Council January 12, 2016
Here is the proposed change doc. Be sure to scroll to the last page, which contains the new definition for accessory dwelling units.: