Residents Meet Opposing Bus Station


The Steering Committee representatives explained that the Committee it has set itself the task of gathering and verifying information. Representatives said that the Committee is willing to continue in existence, and at this task, beyond the resolution of the specific Holly Street issue.

Suggestions voiced by attendees included creating a watchdog organization for the entire Historical Overlay District, it having become clear that the City thought nothing of changing the zoning of the District to suit expediencies. In other words, the Overlay District is not a guarantee of permanent protection against blight unless through political action we make it so.

Renee Hanson suggested that attendees should seek to become supportive of the Heart of Georgetown, perhaps creating an entity as a neighborhood-specific subset of it.

Ross Hunter joined the Steering Committee and suggested that information verified by the Committee should be published routinely to the City populace at large, and volunteered his efforts to this end.

The meeting concluded.

[This record is made by Ross Hunter from memory. Many valuable contributions of insight and knowledge were made to the meeting that should appear in this record and do not.]


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One reply

  1. The natural surmise is that this unusual delegation of responsibilities gave rise to the extreme invisibility of this project. And now when Tom Yantis and CARTS staff say they regret not making this project public earlier, they may indeed feel this way from their own discomfort, perhaps learning a political lesson for the very first time.

    The disconnection between City and voter seems more understandable now at least – Council slipped in its delegation of tasks, the City Manager ran with the assigned task. This reveals a hole in the fabric of delegation and accountability within our city government. The easy scapegoat in this issue is the City Manager’s office, but once the situation is better understood it may be enough simply to plug this hole and make sure the council doesn’t overstep appropriate bounds again. This is a political matter still to be addressed.

    Feel free to sign up and comment on this point if you want.